
In-class and On-line Diploma Preparation Courses for Students in Alberta!

Math 30-1 — Sample Question and Solution for Exponential Functions #1

High-stakes diploma exams in January and June are always a challenge for grade 12 students. These provincial exams count for 30% of a student’s final grade with the other 70% coming from school-based assessments.

For a variety of reasons, it is becoming more and more common for students to seek assistance beyond the classroom in preparing for the diploma exams. Entrance requirements for many post-secondary institutions have increased over the years so students need better grades to gain admittance. The competition is extremely keen for faculties that have quotas and only take the top echelon of applicants. Then there are the numerous scholarships available for the students who have the top grades.

Try this sample question to gauge your diploma preparation for Math 30-1!

Check out the web site www.iPrepPlus.com for the introductory price offer and many features!

If you are serious about your academic success – iPrep Plus and Diplomax are here to help you!

iPrep Plus – Year-long Support for Classroom Learning More than you imagined for less than you expected – electronic study notes and video support for tough topics! www.iPrepPlus.com

Diplomax – Your Premier Choice for Diploma Prep For Edmonton and area face-to-face review classes in January and June check www.primetimelearning.ca